My first book, an essay about photography, will be published by Fitzcarraldo Editions.
My poetry, journalism and essays have appeared in The Guardian, The New Yorker, The London Review of Books blog, The New York Review of Books Daily, The Economist, The White Review, Sight & Sound, New Internationalist, MAP Magazine, New Statesman, Elephant, Photomonitor, Little White Lies, Blackbox Manifold, 3:AM Magazine and SPAMZINE among others. In 2016 and 2018 I was shortlisted for the Fitzcarraldo Editions essay prize.
My latest film, co-directed with Joshua Hughes, was ‘Fratelli Carbonai’, for the New Yorker, about charcoal burning in Calabria. Previous films we’ve made have been nominated for a One World Media award, featured on Nowness and selected as a Vimeo Staff Pick.
email - insta
Fratelli Carbonai - The New Yorker
‘Fingery Eyes’, in The Third Hand by Marton Perlaki - InOtherWords
Fratelli Carbonai - AFI FEST (premiere)
Keanu Experience - The Guardian
‘Philosophy of the Kiosk’, in In Excelsis by Mary Manning - Mahler Lewitt
Five Poems by Catherine Byron
Pubs Piece - The Guardian
‘A Report on the Prabérians’, in Prabérians by Thomas Rousset - Loose Joints
Pot Plant Experience - The Guardian
Protest Photos World - The Guardian
Protest Photos UK - The Guardian
Penis Museum Experience - The Guardian
What Comes To Mind - Resonance Extra/ Outlands
Meteor Experience - The Guardian
Awoko - Vimeo Staff Pick
Haircut Experience - The Guardian
Awoko - Short of the Week
How do you say corruption in English? - London Review of Books blog
Five Informative Poems - Earthbound Press
Charles Jones - RA Magazine
Architecture + Modern Warfare - The Economist
Earth + Anthropocene - The Economist
Welcome to Harmondsworth - Full Frame
Bud Glick - The Economist
An almost obsolete species – MAP Magazine
Rediscovery: The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez - Sight and Sound
Long read: Exodus and Empire in Thatcher's Britain - New Internationalist
Jean Cocteau's Orphée - Little White Lies
Siza and Collovà in Salemi - The Guardian
El Grito - Sight & Sound
Remodelling Mayhem - The New York Review of Books Daily
'Monsanto: A Photographic Investigation' - The White Review
Natural Magic - Fitzcarraldo Editions essay prize shortlist
Tacita Dean - The Economist
Immigration detention deaths on the rise - New Internationalist
Forensic Architecture - Elephant
Anni Albers - Elephant Magazine
A murderous fury - MAP Magazine
Three poems - Blackbox Manifold
Gramsci's 'Prison Notebooks' - The Economist
Notes on the history of a detention centre - The White Review
Harry Gruyaert - 1843
Sure Hope Again
STREET - Fruitlands 3
Wolfgang Tillmans - New Statesman
Mark Neville - The Economist
Un Chien Andalou - Little White Lies
The Seaside - The Economist
Moot @ Free Verse
L'Italia ci guarda - The Economist
Moot Press with And/Or Gallery/ Slip/ Praxis
Moot Press @ Parasol Unit – Praxis 3
Francis Alÿs Ciudad Juarez Projects - The Economist
Exposing Libya's dark past - 1843 magazine
Corona - Fitzcarraldo Editions Essay Prize shortlist
Mouna Karray Nobody Will Talk About Us - Photomonitor
The luxury mall – Troposphere Editions
Tripe Murray Bourne - 1843 magazine
William Henry Fox Talbot - The Economist
Strange and Familiar - The Economist
Easter Rising 1916 - The Economist
Stadium Hotel - Nowness
A Predator Drone in Djibouti - Whitey on the Moon
Thule - Whitey on the Moon
anatomical terms of location - 3:AM Magazine